Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chinese opportunity

Daniel Saul Och

Look, it's a long-term opportunity, I don't think anyone knows. I think it's fair to say that it's potentially significant. You'd want to be one of the firms that were selected, and it's a good example of where -- what we do at our firm in terms of our reputation, our preparedness and our commitment to geographic expansion, and having a significant business is relevant. 

We've had an -- operations in Asia since 2001. We do have an office in Beijing. We've been investors in China. Our firm has a relation -- a reputation in China. And we think that, along with the global relationship of the firm, was relevant to the decision. 

So doing those types of things, it goes back to my comment about the retail distribution. We're not going to plan for distribution. We're not going to be the ones to figure out the distribution channel. 

We want to be the ones -- when people say, "We want the best. Who's the best? That's our goal," we want them to say, "Och-Ziff," in any of the areas we're focusing. If we can do that, then we're doing the right things for our clients, and we'll grow.

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